

Prizes for Fall Races to be Distributed at Reception Next Week.

Candidates for the University crew and all men in the University who are interested in rowing are invited to attend a reception to the winning club crews which will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union on Wednesday evening, December 16 at 7.30 o'clock.

Prizes will be given out to the members of this fall's winning club crews and the cups will be awarded to the winners of the single-sculling races. Plans for the spring training season for University crew candidates, and for class rowing will be outlined. J. Richardson, Jr., '08, P. R. Withington '12, and Captain H. A. Murray, Jr., '15, will speak.

A reception will be tendered to the members of the winning Freshman dormitory crews and to all candidates for the 1918 crew on Monday evening. December 14 at 7.45 o'clock, in the Gore Hall Common Room. C. T. Abeles '13, L. Withington, Jr., '11, A. Beane '11, and Captain H. A. Murray, Jr., '15 will address the meeting. Prizes will be awarded to the men who rowed on the winning Freshman crews and plans for the coming season will be announced.
