

High Tension Equipment Now Being Installed in New Building.

The new Cruft high tension laboratory building is now nearing completion and will be ready for use some time during the second half-year. The structure itself is practically completed and the work of installing the equipment has already begun.

The building is the result of a bequest of $50,000 made during the year 1912-13 by Miss Harriet Cruft, and is to be known as the Cruft Memorial Laboratory.

Miss Cruft has recently given an additional sum to be used in purchasing equipment. The building stands nearly opposite Langdell Hall in the space between Pierce Hall and the Jefferson Laboratory. It is three stories in height with a loft for storage purposes. The structure represents the latest ideas in cement construction, no wood whatever having been used in the framework. It is, of course, absolutely fireproof and has every conceivable modern improvement. Ground for the building was broken a year ago this fall and since then the work has been hurried as much as possible in order to have it ready for use some time this year.

The laboratory will be fitted with every possible device for effective study and experimental research work in electrical engineering and will probably be under the supervision of the Engineering Department or the Physics Department. When completed it should be one of the most up-to-date high tension experimental laboratories in the country.
