With the exception of the speakers for the occasion, the dinner committee of the Harvard Club of Boston has completed all arrangements for the dinner to be held in honor of the football team at the Copley-Plaza, Boston, next Friday evening at 7 o'clock. The dinner will be open to all graduates and undergraduates, whether members of the Harvard Club of Boston or not. Applications in the case of undergraduates, stating the name and class of the applicant and accompanied by cash or check for $4.50 should be filed with the Graduate Treasurer, Mr. F. W. Moore '93, at the H. A. A. before 12 o'clock today. Other applications may be sent to the Harvard Alumni Association, 50 State Street, Boston. If the number of applications exceeds the seats available, tickets will be drawn by lot from all applications that are received before next Tuesday at 12 o'clock, noon.
It is planned to have each table seat ten persons. If two or more applications are enclosed together, the committee will endeavor to seat such applicants together; otherwise, seats, so far as possible, will be assigned by classes. The dinner committee consists of the following: M. Donald '99, chairman, F. W. Moore '93, H. H. White '93, J. W. Farley '99, J. W. Hallowell '01 and S. Curtis '05.
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1918 Athletic Class Formed