
Twitchell Cross-Country Captain

Captain F. W. Capper '15 of the University track team has appointed Roger Thayer Twitchell '16, of Dorchester, captain of the University cross-country team for 1915.

The Athletic Committee has approved the appointments of L. B. Leonard '18, of Lynn, and P. Squibb '18, of Bernardsville, N. J., as manager and assistant manager respectively of the Freshman track team. L. K. Moorehead '18, of Andover, J. Coggeshall, Jr., '18, of Allston, H. D. Carpenter '18, of Philadelphia, Pa., and C. W. W. P. Heffinger '18, of Portsmouth, N. H., were awarded their numerals for consistent work on the 1918 cross-country team.
