

34,000 Games Witnessed by 7,292,00 Spectaters Last Fall.

In an exhaustive statistical review of the past football season. Parke H. Davis the Princeton member of the Rules Committee, shows that more football game were played and were attended by larger crowds this year than in any past season.

Four hundred and fifty colleges, 6,000 secondary schools, and 150 teams, not connected with any educational institution, combined to play 34,000 games in which over 152,000 players participated Mr. Davis estimated that about 7,292,000 people witnessed these various game.

In the point scoring department of the game, Rolla College, in Missouri amassed a total of 569 points to its opponents' none, while Washington and Jefferson came second with 369 to the opponents' 54. In preparatory' school games Everett High School broke all records by scoring more than 600 points while its opponents were unable to score.
