
College socialists to Meet

The Intercollegiate Socialist Society, of which the Harvard Socialist Club is a constituent member, will hold its sixth annual convention in New York City the middle of next week on December 29 30 and 31. There will be three executive sessions, a reception by the New York alumni chapter at the Equal Franchise Society, and a dinner on December 30 at Tuxedo Hall, 637 Madison avenue. The diners will be addressed by several prominent speakers the general subject being "How can Permanent Peace De Assured?" The University Socialist Club will be represented by several members. Tickets may be obtained by members of the University at $1 each upon application to the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, Room 926, 41 Union square W. New York, N. Y.

The University swimming team defeated the East Boston Swimming Club to 25 in a practice meet at Reven B yesterday.

A chess team of the Harvard Boston defeated the University team by a score of 7 to 2 last night at the Harvard Club. The only Harvard m win were W. B. Snow '18 and W King '18.

Cornell will have a new hockey next year, according to present The ice will not be made artifficially the winters in Ithaca are very The rink will be covered, however protection against snow.
