
Sophomore Financiers Organized

The Sophomore Finance Committee has been divided into the following subcommittees: Sub-committee A -- O. Ames, Jr., chairman, N. W. Holly, G. Jones, R. K. Leavitt, D. G. Lovell, R. D. Roquemore, J. H. Spitz. Sub-committee B -- C. H. Higginson, chairman, G. B. Blaine, A. A. Cameron, J. W. Hubbell, W. W. Kenney, H. G. Reynolds. Sub-committee C--G. W. Benedict, chairman, J. W. Feeney, R. D. Hunneman, P. S. Howe, L. A. Morgan, W. Richardson, H. Wentworth.

So far the collection from the class totals $460. The committee has, however, undertaken the collection in a most thorough manner, and is getting into touch with those men who are out of town, as well as getting pledges and payments from those members of the class who have not yet paid their dues.
