
What is Going on Today

Freshman election of class officers.

4.00-6.00.--University tea in Phillips Brooks House.

4.55.--Zoological Club. "The Development of the Photogenic Organs of the Lampyridae." Mr. F. X. Williams in Room 46, Zoological Laboratory.

7.00.--Union's Christmas Dinner to members.

7.00.--Union's special Christmas dinner in Dining Room.


7.30. -- Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Christmas service. Sermon by Mr. S. C. Weist in Divinity Chapel.

8.00.--Philosophical Club. "Knowledge of the External World." Club members in Emerson A.

8.00.--Novice gymnastic meet in Hemenway gymnasium.

8.15.--Performance of "The Chimes" at Dahlgren Hall, South Boston, by 47 Workshop Company.
