At a meeting of the President and Fellows held on December 14 the resignation of Herman Frank Vickery '78, as Instructor in Medicine was received and accepted, and the following appointments were made: Stephen O'Meara, as Lecturer on Municipal Police Administration, and David Abram Ellis '93, as Lecturer on Municipal School Administration.
The following men were appointed as Assistants in the Dental School: William Wilton Anthony D.M.D., '13, in Operative Dentistry; Tullis Nicholas Bello in Operative Denistry; Adolph Jahn, D.M.D. '12, Thomas James Giblin, Jr., D.M.D. '13, Dennis Joseph Hurley, D.M.D. '00, Allan Witham Lord, D.M.D. '13, Frank Thomas Murray, D.M.D. '06, and Simon Myerson, D.M.D. '08, in Prosthetic Dentistry; Edward Martin Guthrie, D.M.D. '13, in Operative Dentistry, and Stephen Parker Mallett, D.M.D. '13, in Anaesthesia Dentistry.
The following were appointed as Instructors in the Dental School; Ernest Earl Carle, D.M.D. '96, Benjamin Howard Codman, D.M.D. '90, Arthur Allen Libby, D.M.D. '99, Leslie Herbert Naylor, D.M.D. '90, Charles Erwin Parkhurst, D.M.D. '97, and Frank Perrin, D.M.D. '77, in Operative Dentistry; Arthur Warren Eldred, D.M.D. '90, and Nels Henry Malmstrom, D.M.D. '09, in Prosthetic Dentistry; and John Bapst Blake '87, in Surgery. George Henry Wright, D.M.D. '03, was appointed as Lecturer on Oral Hygiene.
The following appointments were made in the Medical School: George Adams Leland, Jr., '07, as Alumni Assistant in Surgery; Walter Walker Palmer, M.D. '10, as a Fellow in Medicine; Paul Dudley White '07, as a Fellow in Medicine, and Gilbert Horrax, as Arthur Tracy Cabot Fellow, in charge of the Laboratory of Surgical Reseach.
Paul Joseph Sachs '00, was appointed as assistant Director of the Fogg Art Museum, and Roy Kenneth Hack and Henry Wheatland Litchfield as Instructors in Greek and Latin.
Sundry gifts, amounting to $20,097.66 were announced for various purposes of the University, and the Director of the Fogg Art Museum reported the receipt of a portrait of Mr. Samuel Parkman Tuckerman, by F. W. Bensen, a gift from the estate of Miss Mary Perry Tuckerman.
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