

Britten Examination to Decide Award of $800 Prize for Graduates.

The Thayer Fellowship with a stipend of $800 will be awarded for the year 1915-16 chiefly on the basis of a competitive written examination, although other evidence of ability and attainments on the part of candidates will be taken into consideration. The Fellowship is open to Bachelors of Arts of universities and colleges in the United States and Canada, and to other American students of similar attainments; all candidates being expected to have such a knowledge of Greek, (including Hellenic Greek), Latin, French, and German as will enable them to make effective use of books written in those languages. The examination will also include a majority of the following subjects: Billical Hebrew, the history, archaeology, and geography of Palestine, the elements of North Semitic epigraphy and the outlines of Biblical and early Christian literature, Syriac and Arabic. The subjects prescribed will be suited, in some degree, to the candidate's special field.

Persons who intend to take the examinations, which will occur on March 9, 10, and 11 at any one of the colleges or geological seminaries co-operating in the maintenance of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, among which is the University) must consult Professor Charles C. Torrey, Yale University, New Haven, before February.
