The first of the two presentations of the annual Christmas carol service will be given by the Appleton Chapel Choir in conjunction with the Radcliffe Choral Society in Appleton Chapel tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. The second service, identical with the first, will be given at the same time and place on Thursday evening. The service is to be given this year on two successive evenings because of the limited size of the Chapel, which last year prevented many from attending the service. Those who attend on Wednesday evening are therefore requested not to go again on the following evening.
The final rehearsal for the service will be held in Appleton Chapel tomorrow afternoon at 4.45 o'clock. All children of families connected with the University, accompanied by an older person, and all who may find the afternoon hour more convenient, are invited to be present at this time.
The choir will repeat the same service at the First Congregational Church, corner of Mason and Garden streets, on Sunday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock.
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