The following 15 men have been awarded their association football insignia subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee, for participation in the intercollegiate championship series: John Hopkinson Baker '15, of Cambridge; Paul Blackmur '15, of Quincy; Bernon Brace Chittenden '15, of Brooken, N. Y., manager; Robert Walston Scubb '15, of St. Louis, Mo.; Donald Fisher Fenn '15, of Cambridge; Robert Stone Grinnell '15, of New York, N. Y.; John Coleman Jennings '15, of Washington, D. C., captain; John Morrow Jennings '16, of New York, N. Y.; Brayton Nichols '15, of Worcester; Richard Hordon Morris, Jr., '17, of Milwaukee, Wis.; Francis Grover Cleveland O'Neill '16, of St. Louis, Mo.; Oliver Garrison Ricketson, Jr., '16, of Fernandina, Fla.; Walter Winsor Weld '16, of Chestnut Hill; and Frederic Burnham Withington '15, of Honolulu, Hawaii.
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