
Soccer Insignia Awarded to 15

The following 15 men have been awarded their association football insignia subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee, for participation in the intercollegiate championship series: John Hopkinson Baker '15, of Cambridge; Paul Blackmur '15, of Quincy; Bernon Brace Chittenden '15, of Brooken, N. Y., manager; Robert Walston Scubb '15, of St. Louis, Mo.; Donald Fisher Fenn '15, of Cambridge; Robert Stone Grinnell '15, of New York, N. Y.; John Coleman Jennings '15, of Washington, D. C., captain; John Morrow Jennings '16, of New York, N. Y.; Brayton Nichols '15, of Worcester; Richard Hordon Morris, Jr., '17, of Milwaukee, Wis.; Francis Grover Cleveland O'Neill '16, of St. Louis, Mo.; Oliver Garrison Ricketson, Jr., '16, of Fernandina, Fla.; Walter Winsor Weld '16, of Chestnut Hill; and Frederic Burnham Withington '15, of Honolulu, Hawaii.
