
What is Going on Today

4.00.--First meeting of 1918 general athletics class in Hemenway Gymnasium.

4.00-6.00.--*University Tea in Parlor of Phillips Brooks House.

4.55--*Harvard Zoological Club. "The Inflator Mechanism of the Puffer, Spheroides maculatus." Mr. Selig Hecht. Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.

7.00.--Dinner in honor of football team at Copley Plaza.

8.00.--**Lecture. "Obligations of Corporation Directors." Mr. E. G. Buckland, Emerson A.


8.00.--*Harvard Engineering Society, Mr. Cecil Yates on "The Geological History of the Canadian Northwest." Common Room, Conant Hall.

8.00.--Lowell Institute lecture by Professor A. C. Coolidge on "International Relations in Europe Since 1870."

8.00.--Dramatic Club play at Copley Hall, Boston.
