

All Wishing to Teach In New York City Examined in January.

The Department of Education of the City of New York announces that two professional examinations for eligible applicants for positions as school teachers (License No. 1) will be held in the Hall of the Board of Education, Parke avenue and 59th street, on January 13, 14 and 15 and June 7, 8 and 9, 1915. Applicants for these examinations must be between eighteen and forty-five years of age and must have graduated from a high school or academy having a course of study of not less than four years. Furthermore this academy must be approved by the State Commissioner of Education. Graduation from a professional course of four years in a normal school will also make an applicant eligible. The scope of the examinations for License No. 1 includes History, Drawing, Physical Training, Oral English, Practical Tests, Music and Methods of Teaching.

For further information on the subject, the University Appointment Office, 11 University Hall, will be glad to explain any and all details to persons interested.
