

Award of Soccer Numerals Based on Fall Work.--Review of Season.

The following 15 Freshmen have been awarded their 1918 association football insignia, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee, as a recognition of their work this fall: Preston Burlingham Boyden, of Winnetka, Ill.; Willis Barton Clough (manager), of Brookline; Robert Sumner Coit, of Winchester; Richard Clarke Cooke (captain), of Newton Centre; William Elliott, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Robert Joseph Gray, of Syracuse, N. Y.; George Merrick Hollister, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Frederick Robert Hulme, of Andover; Vernon Brown Kellett, of Hopedale; Bernard Walter Knowlton, of Cambridge; Mayer Sidney Levin, of Terre Haute, Ind.; Frederick Gray Lockwood, of Brookline; John Mitchell, of Manchester; William Allis Norris, of Milwaukee, Wis.; and Graeme Gardner Whytlew, of New York, N. Y.

The Freshman season, just ended, has not been markedly successful, as only half of their games were won. It has served, however, to bring out and develop new men who will be needed next fall to fill up the ranks of the University team, which will be considerably depleted by graduation.

The following is the Freshman record:

Nov. 4.--Andover 3, 1918 0.

Nov. 11.--Andover 1, 1918 0.


Nov. 18.--1918 2, Middlesex 1.

Nov. 20.--1918 2, West Roxbury High 1.
