
Undergraduate Generosity?


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the editors of the CRIMSON:

A prominent graduate of the class of '87 said to me yesterday: "Harvard has done practically nothing for charity. Why even small schools have contributed to relief funds, but our University is absolutely unrepresented." If this is literally true, it is shameful. Is it possible that the most broad-minded and humanizing of universities should be totally indiffer- ent to the appalling squalor and starvation of war-rent Europe?

As a matter of fact Harvard has done a little, and is trying to do more. This week, for instance, the undergraduates will have at least two ways of belying that accusation of stinginess: First, they can go tonight to Madame Vandervelde's lecture and contribute generously when the collection is made; secondly, they can attend the Cercle Francais performance Wednesday or Thursday and by the very act of buying tickets contribute to the Red Cross of France and Belgium.

Are the undergraduates going to dodge these two opportunities and thus give people a chance to say that we are all "tight-wads," or are they going to "come across." in the right spirit? I never knew Harvard undergraduates to fail in a good cause, and I won't think they will this time.  RUDOLPH ALTROCCHI '08
