

Seniors and Sophomores to Argue on Capital Punishment in New Lecture Hall at 8 o'clock.

The Senior and Sophomore debating teams will meet in the final round of the interclass debate in the New Lecture Hall at 8 o'clock this evening. The Seniors will take the negative of the question "Resolved, That capital punishment should be abolished in the United States," while the Sophomores will uphold the affirmative. The judges will be Dean H. A. Yeomans '00, Judge A. P. Stone '93, and Professor I. L. Winter '86.

The Senior team will be composed of F. T. Smith, R. J. White and B. Woronoff. The Sophomores will be represented by A. E. Whittemore, E. C. Davison and G. W. Wasser. The first speeches will be twelve minutes in length; each man will then have five minutes for rebuttal. Individual cups, given by the Debating Council, will be presented to the members of the winning team.

The debate will be open to the public.
