

Increased Facilities on Subway and Surface Lines to Carry Crowd

The Boston Elevated Railway Company has made adequate preparations for increased traffic on its surface lines as well as in the subway today on account of the football game.

The Cambridge subway trains will start at 12.30 o'clock on a 2-minute schedule which will continue until 2 o'clock, all trains running through to the Stadium Station. After the game, trains will start from the Stadium Station at regular intervals of one and three-quarters minutes.

Surface cars will leave Brookline Villige for Allston every three and one-half minutes from 12.30 until 1.45 o'clock. At the close of the game cars will leave Allston as fast as the demand requires.

Beginning at 12.30 o'clock surface cars will leave Dudley Street Transfer Station for Harvard at 2-minute intervals until 1.40 o'clock.

Cars will leave Scollay square for Harvard square via the Viaduct commencing at 12.30 o'clock up until 2 o'clock every 3 minutes.


Increased surface car connections have also been arranged between Harvard square and Arlington, and Harvard square and Watertown.
