

Well-Trained Eleven Plays at Franklin Today at 3 o'clock.

The University second football team plays Dean Academy at Franklin today at 3 o'clock. The squad has been steadily improving under the careful direction of Coach Guild '06, and is now at the height of its form. Scrimmage with the University team and with the Freshmen has been a regular feature of the practice, and has assisted materially in producing a team which thoroughly understands the game.

The following 23 men will make the trip: Baker, Bradley, Brown, Buffum, Carter, Coffin, Cottrell, Day, Deane, Doherty, Ellison, Guamaraes, Gersumky, Jacobs, Jones, Leighton, Lovell, Seaver, Selden, Stanton, Strauss, Townsend, and Woodruff.

The probable line-up will be: r.e., Stantion; r.t., Leighton; r.g., Straus; c., Day; l.g., Townsend; l.t., Brown; l.e., Seaver; q.b., Doherty; r.h.b., Ellison; l.h.b., Gersumky; f.b., Woodruff.
