
Clothing Collection on Monday

The annual fall collection of clothing magazines, and text-books held under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House will start Monday, November 9. All members of the University are urged to make as liberal contributions as possible of the before mentioned articles. This year there is a greater necessity for clothing than ever before, inasmuch as part of the clothes collected will be distributed in Europe among the sufferers from the war. The remainder will be given to various charitable institutions in the vicinity.

It is also desired that a great number of the text-books used in the larger course be secured for the Phillips Brooks House Loan Library. The magazines will be distributed among hospitals and reading rooms of houses of charity.

H. L. Nash '16, R. Mead '15 and L. A. Morgan '17 will direct the work of the collection. A collector has been appointed in each entry of the larger dormitories. They will gather the clothing from the various rooms together on Monday and Tuesday mornings, and on Wednesday afternoon a team will make a round of the dormitories and collect all of the contributions. The names of the collectors and the places at which they will call will appear in the issue of the CRIMSON for Monday.
