

Bradlee and Wallace Only Regulars Not in Line Up.--Mahan's Kicking Feature of Scrimmage.

The University football squad was put through the severest practice of the week yesterday, the men being out on the field early and staying until darkness forced the cessation of activities. Signal drill, dummy scrimmage, punting and a hard half-hour scrimmage between the University and second teams constituted the work which the coaches gave the squad in the effort to develop a concerted attack and well rounded team-play.

Bradlee was given a day of rest and Wallace has not as yet sufficiently recovered from the ill effects of his injury to warrant his playing; with these exceptions all of the regulars were out in togs. Hardwick was shifted to Bradlee's place in the backfield, Smith filling in at end.

The scrimmage between the University team and the second eleven was fast and fierce. No touchdowns were made by either eleven, inasmuch as neither team was permitted to remain on the attack for any length of time. The work of the first string men showed improvement, increased power and a noticeable smoothness being apparent. A feature of the scrimmage was the drop-kicking of Mahan. Six times he tried to score on field goals, and but one attempt was a failure.

The second string men were given more attention than is customary, the coaches evidently wishing to fortify any weakness that injuries to the regulars would cause. The University substitutes also opposed the second team in a stiff scrimmage in which the second string backfield, composed of Whitney, McKinlock and King, with Watson at quarter, showed evidence of good line-plunging ability, and Whitney succeeded in putting two pretty drop-kicks over the bar, both, however, from an easy range.

The condition of the regulars has gradually improved under the strenuous work of the week, but how long Mahan and Pennock will be able to last in the game Saturday is a question. Present appearances indicate that they are entirely fit and that their playing has not suffered to a noticeable degree from their long lay-offs.


The order of the University teams yesterday was as follows: l.e., T. J. Coolidge; l.t., Parson; l.g., Weston; c., Bigelow; r.g., Pennock; r.t., Trumbull; r.e., Smith; q.b., Logan; l.h.b., Francke; r.h.b., Hardwick; f.b., Mahan.
