

The table printed below, giving in parallel columns the number of men who applied for admission to Harvard College in the years 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914, contains indications of growth which demand recognition. The total number of men admitted without conditions shows a steady increase from 1911 to 1914. This goes hand in hand with the increase of candidates under the "new plan," by the workings of which a man is admitted without conditions or not at all. The total number of men admitted for the current academic year, with and without conditions, is larger than it has ever been before; and the total refused appears to have been surpassed only once before; namely last year. The total examined has jumped from 885, the figures attained in both 1913 and 1911, to 937.   1911  1912  1913  1914 Admitted without conditions (Old Plan),  309  272  262  291 Admitted without conditions (New Plan),  83  154  197  224 Total number admitted without conditions,  392  426  459  515 Admitted with conditions (Old Plan),  248  219  155  169 Total number admitted,  640  645  614  684 Refused admission (Old Plan),  126  125  163  131 Refused admission (New Plan),  56  59  65  68 Total refused admission,  184  184  228  199 Candidates in June who did not reappear in September,  61  40  43  54 Total number of candidates,  885  869  885  937
