

Especially Attractive Program Arranged For Mr. Whiting's First Concert In Music Building.

The first of a series of five expositions of chamber music by Mr. Arthur Whiting and assisting artists will be given in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall of the Music Building this evening at 8.15 o'clock. Miss Loraine Wyman, soprano, Mr. George Barrere, flute, Mr. Robert. J. Toedt, violin, and Mr. William Derieux, violoncello, will assist Mr. Whiting at the harpsichord. An especially attractive program has been arranged. The program follows:

1. (a) Musette, Gouperin; (b) Sarabande, Couperin; (c) Forlane en Rondeau, Couperin.

2. (a) Menuet, Rameau; (b) L'Indiscrete, Rameau; (c) La Timide, Rameau; (d) Tambourin, Rameau. (Flute, violin, violoncello, and harpsichord).

3. Chansons Populaires. (a) Adieux a la Jeunesse; (b) Pierre et sa mie; (c) Le Petit Bois d'Amour; (d) Corbleu Marion; (e) Margoton (Soprano).

4. (a) Rondean gracieux, Rameau; (b) Gigue, Lorillet. (Violoncello and harpsichord).


5. (a) Sarabande, Couperin; (b) Gigue, Lorillet. (Flute and harpsichord).

6. (a) Chaconne en Rondeau, Couperin. (b) Rigandon, Rameau. (Harpsichord).

7. Cantate, "Le Berger Fidele." (a) Recitatif--Air Plaintiff; (b) Recitatif--Air Gai; (c) Recitatif--Air Vif et Grascieux. (Soprano, flute, violin, violoncello, and harpsichord).
