

Second Football Mass Meeting of Year Will be Held in Living Room of Union This Evening.

A mass meeting will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union. The second of the year, the meeting is for the purpose of perfecting the songs and cheers to be used Saturday in the Princeton game. The formation of the white "H" on the red background in the Marseillaise can only be made successful by the simultaneous waving of the handkerchiefs by all men in the cheering sections; accordingly it is imperative that everybody be present tonight to practice this particular feature.

Freshmen are especially urged to attend the meeting so that they may learn the University songs. J. W. Farley '99 and R. T. Fisher '12 will speak, and Kanrich's band will accompany the Glee Club in the rehearsal of songs.

Parade to Field Planned.

There will be well over 2,000 men in the cheering section on Saturday, and in order to get these men together a large parade will be organized to march to the field. Kanrich's Band has been engaged to lead the march. The parade will form at 12.45 o'clock, graduates meeting in front of University, Seniors at Weld, Juniors at Grays, Sophomores at Matthews, and Freshmen at Massachusetts. The regular cheer leaders will act as marshals.
