

Oarsmen Training for Coming Sculling Events for Prize Cups.

The weather has been so conducive to further rowing activities that numerous single shells, comps, and wherries have been on the river every afternoon. The men who rowed this fall in either of the two University boats are taking daily workouts in singles in preparation for the sculling race to be held Thursday afternoon at 4.15 o'clock over the mile course in the Basin, for the cups which have been donated by the crew management.

An innovation this year is a race for wherries to be held over the half-mile course in front of the Newell Boathouse on November 11, at 4.15 o'clock. A cup will be given to the winner of this struggle which is open only to novices. All men whose present rowing ability is ample evidence of no previous experience in the art of oarsmanship are eligible, and urged to enter.

Regents Challenge Cup.

All undergraduates in the University are invited to compete in a single scull race to be held over the mile stretch in the Basin at 4.15 o'clock, November 12 for the Regent's Challenge Cup. The winner, besides obtaining the privilege of having his name engraved on this cup, will receive a smaller cup presented by Mr. Brandegee. No one will be allowed to enter who has not taken the regular strength test given by Dr. Sargent at the Hemenway Gymnasium. Appointments for this test may be made any afternoon at the Gymnasium after 2 o'clock.
