

To Speak on "The Presidency" This Week.--Prof. Lichtenberger and Dr. Cunningham Lecture.

The lectures which Professor William Howard Taft, of the Yale Law School, is to give in Cambridge, will be delivered tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, at the Law School. Professor Taft will lecture on "The Presidency: Its Powers and Duties from a Constitutional and Legal Standpoint." The treatment of the subject will be from a technical rather than a popular viewpoint, and so, especially since the attendance from the Law School will be large, it will be impossible to open the lectures to the University at large.

Professor Henri Lichtenberger, exchange professor from the Sorbonne, France, will deliver the eighth lecture of his course, Comparative Literature 54, in Sever 11 this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. The lecture, which is on the subject "Nietzsche," will be delivered in French. It is open to the public.

William Cunningham, D.D., F.B.A., fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, England, and arch deacon of Ely, will deliver the seventh of his series of lectures on "Christianity and Politics," at the Lowell Institute this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The specific topic of discussion this afternoon will be "Positive Christian Duty." The lecture is free and open to the public.
