With the final assortment of the articles of clothing, and the books and magazines, contributed by the Freshman class, the annual collection of the above named articles held under the auspices of Phillips Brooks House was brought to a successful close. R. Mead '15 and H. Nash '16 had charge of the collection, which, owing to the situation presented by the new Freshman dormitories, was divided into two sections. The three upper classes contributed very liberally, and the number of articles gathered from the Freshman dormitories was quite satisfactory.
Not quite as many text books were received this year as in former years, but all other branches of the collection exceeded the record set by last year's donations. The collection of books and magazines was 200 pounds greater, and the clothing collection larger by 200 pieces than last year's figures, increases which are particularly gratifying because of the greater demand this year for these articles. The assortment of the collection showed such items as follows: 75 full suits of clothes, 12 overcoats, 150 shirts, 125 pairs of shoes, 48 hats, 800 pieces of wearing apparel such as ties, socks, vests, collars, and pajamas, about 910 pounds of magazines and 35 text books.
The social service secretary has received applications for clothing from numerous sources, such as Tuskegee Institute, the Associated Charities of Cambridge, the South End Industrial School of Boston, the Sailors' Haven and various hospitals in the vicinity. Their requests will be filled as completely as possible, but it has been decided to distribute the greater part of the articles constituting the collection among the needy in both parties of the European war.
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