

Opportunity to Meet Members of Faculty and Wives on Friday.

The first of this year's series of University teas will be held Friday afternoon in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House from 4 to 6 o'clock.

It is the purpose of these teas to bring the men of the University into a cordial relationship with the University officers and their wives. Members of the graduate and undergraduate schools will act as ushers, and a committee, composed of the wives of the Faculty will receive. The Student Council calls to the attention of all men in the University, and especially new men, this opportunity to meet the various guests of honor in an informal way. The following members of the Faculty and their wives will be present at the first of these occasions, which will occur on Friday afternoon: President and Mrs. Lowell; Dean and Mrs. B. S. Hurlbut; Professor and Mrs. G. F. Moore; Professor and Mrs. Kirsopp Lake; Professor and Mrs. B. M. Anderson; Professor and Mrs. E. Wambaugh; Professor and Mrs. R. F. A. Hoernle; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cram; Assistant Dean H. A. Yeomans and the Reverend C. W. Gilkey '03.
