

Convenience Ordered to be Installed by Service Commission.

By the issuing of an order from the Public Service Commission on Monday an escalator in the subway station in the Square becomes an assured fact. The escalator will extend to the surface from the Mount Auburn level and work is to be started on its construction at once. Ever since the subway from Park street to the square was installed there has been considerable agitation for an escalator but it has not been until recently that the Service Commission would take any action in regard to the matter. Owing to the complex construction of the Harvard square station it has been found extremely difficult to provide for such facilities. The commission, however, has ordered that "The Boston Elevated Railway Company install in the Harvard square station a single file escalator of the cleat type from the platform for cars from Mount Auburn to the street level near and under the eastern side of the street shelter." Passengers from North Cambridge will also be able to avail themselves of this escalator by using a stairway of 16 steps. While this does not fully meet the necessities of the passengers it seems to be the best practicable solution of the problem.
