

More Men Must Show Loyalty and Report Today at 2.45.

Not enough men responded to the call for candidates for the class elevens which are to compete for the class championship. This series of football games, occurring after the end of the University team's schedule, has become a firmly established custom. The purpose of the series is to give those men who are not of sufficient ability to warrant their playing on the University squad, the University second team, or the Freshman eleven, an opportunity to obtain the pleasure and benefit which football affords. This year the series will be a complete failure unless more men support their respective classes by turning out and trying for the eleven. The first two games of the series will be played on Friday afternoon; the winners of which will oppose each other on Monday in the struggle which will decide the championship. The members of the winning team will be awarded their class numerals in the class colors. All men who are eligible to play in this series are asked to report at the Locker Building today at 2.45 o'clock. The managers of the respective teams will distribute necessary playing clothes, and first practices will be held.

The present Senior class has been victorious for the last two seasons, and it 1915 is to retain this championship more men must report at the Locker Building today. Clothes and shoes will be provided for all aspirants.
