The following regulations in force at the Yale game and suggestions and information as to the quickest ways of getting to the Bowl are printed for the benefit of the University students who are going to New Haven, either by train or automobile. The game will start promptly at 2 o'clock. Ticket holders should make every effort to reach the grounds early and thus avoid the inevitable rush of the last half-hour. Sixty-eight thousand tickets have been sold, and the handling of the crowd will tax transportation facilities on railroad and trolley lines to the limit. Traffic of all kinds in the city will of necessity, be slower than usual. The Bowl is a mile and a half from the centre of the city and ticket holders should therefore, allow at least an hour to reach the field. Entrance to the Bowl is designated by the portal number on each ticket, and ticket holders must make sure that they enter by the portal indicated. Retiring rooms for ladies are situated at each corner of the field outside the Bowl.
Those who journey to New Haven by train may take trolley cars from the railroad station direct to the Central Green, corner of Church and Chapel streets, and there transfer to cars marked "To Yale Boyl" which will run at half-minute intervals. Some of the cars will run from the station direct to to Bowl; such cars will be marked to that effect.
Parking Space.
The Yale management has provided parking space for 2,000 automobiles on the Yale property, admission to which will be $5 for each machine. Traffic officers will give all necessary instructions as to the placing of the car. The quickest and most reliable routes for motorists in reaching the Bowl or the centre of the city are as follows: Automobiles cast bound via the Milford Turnpike or Campbell avenue desiring to go direct to the Bowl use Forest street and Derby avenue from the junction of Milford Turnpike and Campbell avenue; automobiles desiring to reach the corner of College and Chapel streets from the above mentioned point come in Congress avenue to Davenport avenue; automobiles desiring to reach the centre of the city run via Congress avenue; automobiles eastbound on Derby avenue, desiring to go to the Bowl, will find parking space on Central avenue,--the centre of the city may be reached only via Forest street and Congress avenue; automobiles desiring to leave the centre of the city for the Bowl use Elm street, Whalley avenue, Fountain street and MoKinley avenue to the parking space; automobiles will be allowed to run north only on College street between Crown and Elm streets. Returning from the game automobiles desiring to get to the centre of the city return via Whalley avenue and Elm street, using north side of these streets to Orange street, and if desiring to reach the vicinity of College and Chapel streets continue through Orange street to Crown street and west on Crown to College thence north as College street
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