
Princeton Concert Preceding Game

The University and Princeton Musical clubs will combine in a dual concert to be given the night preceding the Princeton football game, Friday, in Jordan Hall at 8.15 o'clock. This will be the first dual concert between these institutions in Boston. Up to last year various reasons had prevented such a concert being given by the clubs, but at that time these reasons were obliterated and the first concert was held at Princeton the night before the Harvard game. Success stamped the arrangement.

Inasmuch as the Yale-Harvard dual concert will take place this year at New Haven, and the University clubs are taking an extended wesern trip, this will be the one big concert which is to be given for the benefit of University students. The sale of tickets open only to University men has been discontinued, but tickets at $2.00 and $1.50 can now be obtained at the Co-operative Branch Store, Leavitt & Pierce's, Herrick's and the Touraine, as well as at Jordan Hall.
