

Rev. D. N. Furnajieff on Present and Balkan Strifes Tonight.

"The Present War in the Light of the Balkan War" will be the subject of an address by the Rev. D. N. Furnajieff of Sofia, Bulgaria, at a joint meeting of the International Polity Club and the Cosmos politan Club in Holyoke 7 this evening at 7.30 o'clock. All members of the University interested in the discussion of international relations are cordially invited to attend.

Speaker Has First Hand Experience.

During the recent Balkan War Rev. Furnajieff had a special permit to move freely through the field of conflict. The gave him an exceptional opportunity to study the situation at close range. Because of his broad knowledge of European relations in general, as well as those of Russia and the Balkans, he is able to furnish an interpretation of the present struggle from an unusually important point of view.

Mr. Furnajieff was in Germany at the outbreak of the war, and spent server weeks in England before coming to America. He is a graduate of Princeton University and is noted as a speaker on international problems. Basing his reasoning on close observation and personal experience, he is a convincing advocate of the larger application to social of the principles of justice and co-operation which now reign international relations. His address will throw new light not only upon some of the essential issues involved in the war, but upon the constructive measures which will be necessary to insure a more permanent peace in the future. Partisans and non partisans alike will derive great here from hearing tonight's speaker.
