Tonight at 8 o'clock a meeting will be held in the Armory of the 8th Massachusetts Infantry on Massachusetts avenue, Cambridge, near the Harvard bridge, to which all men in the undergraduate and graduate departments of the University who are interested in military life are cordially invited.
The War Department has authorized the organization of a machine-gun company in the 8th Infantry and it is proposed to form this company from students of the University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Technically, the men will be detailed to other companies in the regiment, but in reality they will constitute a separate company under the command of its own officers and fulfilling the duties required of all regular companies in the United States Army. Equipment will be issued to all enlisting, and besides the regular drilling and work in military tactics, expert, instruction will be given in the use of the Benet-Mercier machine gun which Lieutenant William Renwick presented to the State. Commissioned officers will be in direct charge of the new organization and they will be assisted by the officers whom they select from among the ranks. Target practice with the machine-gun on the various rifle ranges in the vicinity, regular military drills, and a session in summer camp constitute a large part of the work required.
Men who are located in the vicinity are especially urged to enter, but provisions will be made for those who live at a distance. The standard United States Army physical examination will be given each candidate, and success or failure in passing it will determine eligibility to enlist. The social life of the new company will be one of its distinctive features, club rooms and various amusements aiding to make this aspect of military life particularly attractive.
Tonight Colonel F. A. Graves and Captain F. J. Burnham will address all men interested, and will discuss the purposes of the new organization, the advantages which military training affords, and the special benefit derived from a thorough knowledge of the machine-gun, a weapon which is such a powerful factor in offensive fighting.
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