

First Interclass Contest on Capital Punishment Topic at 7.

The first of the interclass debates will be held between the Freshmen and Sophomores this evening at 7 o'clock in Sever 11. E. C. Davidson, G. W. Washer, and A. E. Whittemore will compose the Sophomore team, and L. Brentano, V. A. Kramer, L. M. Swope, and W. M. Silverman, alternate, will represent the Freshmen. The Sophomores will have the affirmative and the Freshmen the negative of the question "Resolved, That Capital Punishment should be abolished in the United States." The first speeches will be twelve minutes in length; each man will then have five minutes for rebuttal.

Tomorrow night, at the same time and place, the Seniors will uphold the affirmative of the same question against the Juniors.

The judges for the Sophomore-Freshman debate tonight will be J. Bovingdon '15, an assistant in Public Speaking; P. B. Potter '14, an assistant in Government; and S. M. Seymour 2L.
