

Second Football Team Won Three Out of Four Outside Games.

The University second football team has ended a season which has been signally successful in that it accomplished the two main results for which it aimed; the possible betterment of the University eleven derived from practice and scrimmage with the second team; and a successful completion of its own schedule. Forty-six men were on the squad, from which a regular "H second" team was chosen and a scrub eleven called the "Crows" which played in the Haughton cup series. The dominant factor in the team's success was the excellent coaching afforded the team. Head Coach R. F. Guild '06, assisted by J. Parkinson '06. W. J. Blake '13, E. A Graustein '13, A. W. Poole '14, E. R. Adams '14, J. K. Howard '15, and T. C. Hardwick '13; all men high up in the ranks of football authorities gave their best energies and abilities to the development of the team which holds such an important place in the University football program. The eleven scrimmaged with the University team on an average of three times a week throughout the season and, in addition won three of the four games which composed its schedule. St. Anselm's Wellesley High, and Brown second were defeated in games marked by steady improvement in the playing of the eleven, and Dean Academy barely succeeded in administering a defeat to the team by the score of 10 to 7 after a decidedly hard-fought game. Four men were advanced to the University squad during the course of the season and have had thorough try-outs on the major squad.

The squad will celebrate the wind-up of this year's football work at a dinner tendered to them by the Harvard Club of Boston on Thursday evening.
