

Negro Vocalists From Atlanta University in Union on Monday.

Next Monday evening the second of the entertainments for members of the Union will be given in the Living Room of the Union at 8 o'clock. The Atlanta University Quartet, the most famous negro quartet in the country, with Sidney Woodward, the well-known tenor, will sing old-time and modern negro melodies. Hon. L. A. Frothingham '93, will preside. Mr. B. R. Wilson, a graduate of Atlanta University and the Boston University Law School, will speak on "Has Atlanta University Made Good?" Professor E. T. Ware, president of Atlanta University, will also speak.

Atlanta University is a college, normal school and high school for preparing young men and women of the negro race for service among their own people. This service usually takes the form of teaching. The institution has had an extraordinary record and has done much toward solving one of the greatest problems in this country-that of the colored people.
