

Nothing the commendable interest taken these days in the work of field hospitals and Red Cross Societies, we cannot but mark the efficient medical supervision of the Harvard football army, whose greatest and most decisive battle comes in a week and a day. Great honor to Haughton, commander-in-chief, with all the strategy of his effective coaching! Too often, however, the services rendered by the Red Cross of the Harvard squad, the careful vigilance and skill of Dr. E. H. Nichols '86, and his assistants, who have silently borne the heaviest of responsibilities throughout the season, are overlooked. Long valuable assets towards the University's athletic success, they have never been of more value than this Fall, when after a season filled with a discouragingly long list of injuries, accidents, and other misfortunes, the team nears the climax of the season in an almost completely sound physical condition. To the efficient members of our medical corps all honor is due.
