
Yale Freshman Eleven Strong

The Yale freshman football team, which opened its season last Saturday by defeating Dean Academy 19 to 0, is making rapid progress, and is expected to be the strongest team since the famous eleven of 1910. Yates, the 235-pound Hill School guard is starring at left tackle and is looked upon as the most promising guard since Goebel and Cooney. Branden and Markle, both of Hill School, are playing in the back-field, while two other Hill men, Mosely and McNaughton, are holding down the ends. Baldridge and Newton of Andover are playing tackle and guard, respectively, while Black of Exeter is playing the other guard. Bingham, temporary captain, and Hutchinson, both Exeter men, are fighting it out for quarter.

The Yale freshmen have six games yet to play:

Oct. 10.--Hotchkiss.

Oct. 17.--Exeter.

Oct. 24.--Worcester Academy.


Oct. 31.--Andover.

Nov. 7.--Princeton 1918.

Nov. 14.--Harvard 1918.
