


Most of the matches in the first round of the University singles tennis tournament were played yesterday on Jarvis and Soldiers Fields. Play will continue today, and most of the third round will be completed.

Notice is called to the times for matches this afternoon, as they have been made earlier in order that darkness will not interfere. Those whose names do not appear below will be scheduled to play their matches later.

Contestants must appear within 15 minutes of the appointed time or be defaulted. They must also furnish their own tennis balls. Men playing on Jarvis Field must post their scores on the score-board at Jarvis Field before 6 o'clock of the day of their match. Men playing on Soldiers Field must drop their scores into a box, provided and marked for the purpose, at the CRIMSON Office. Failure in either respect means that both contestants will be defaulted.

Entries for the doubles tournament close tomorrow at 6 o'clock. A blue-book is at Leavitt & Peirce's and the entry fee is $1 per team.

The results of yesterday's matches in singles were as follows: D. Gregg '18 defeated G. G. Emmons '16, 6-2, 6-0; W. P. Whitehouse, 2nd, '17 defeated R. H. Franzen '17, 6-1, 6-2, J. B. Cummings 2L. defeated L. Osborne '15, 6-4, 6-3; E. A. Manning '16 defeated W. W. Spencer '18, 6-3, 6-3; W. Franzen '14 defeated C. C. Patterson '16, 5-7, 6-2, 6-1; L. E. Bullard '17 defeated D. B. McLaury 4L., 6-3, 6-1; J. L. Kimberly '16 defeated H. Nichols '16, 6-0, 6-4; W. Rand, 3rd, '17 defeated H. G. Nichols '16, 6-0, 6-1; E. G. Fischer 2L. defeated P. K. Ellis, 7-5, 6-2; H. D. Holmes '16 defeated L. Bullock '17, 6-2, 6-1; F. Clark, Jr., 3L. defeated D. Kimball '15, 6-4, 6-2; H. H. Bell '17 defeated C. P. Vogel '16, 6-1, 8-6; S. O. Sears defeated C. Newman 2L., 1-6, 6-3, 6-4; W. Lentz 2L. defeated W. Edgar '16, 6-4, 6-4; J. S. Love '17 defeated J. C. McMullen '17, 6-2, 8-6; C. A. Herter '15 defeated J. V. A. Weaver 1G.S., 6-4, 7-5; C. D. Hanscom '17 defeated E. C. Brown 3L., 6-0, 6-4; H. G. McKelleher '18 defeated J. M. Gazzam '17, 6-0, 6-2; J. Wooldredge '16 defeated A. M. Reed '16, 6-2, 6-2; C. B. Sloane '16 defeated H. Epstein '16, 6-3, 6-2; M. L. Knowlton 1L. defeated E. Pruyn '18, 6-3, 6-3; L. L. Fitz '17 defeated W. Campbell '16, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; H. S. Bothfeld '17 defeated D. J. Kenefick, Jr., '17, by default; P. C. Lewis '17 defeated R. E. More 2L., 6-2, 7-5; W. J. Badger, Jr., 2L. defeated J. G. Hammersly '16, 6-0, 6-0; D. K. Dunmore '18 defeated J. S. Browning, Jr., '18, 6-0, 6-0; E. O. Baker '17 defeated J. M. French '17, 6-1, 6-1; D. C. Josephs '15 defeated H. Wainwright '15, 6-3, 6-2; K. Royall 1L. defeated E. A. Weinberg, by default; F. P. Beale 3D. defeated F. Koschurtz 3L., 6-1, 6-2; R. A. Newman 2L. defeated W. G. Helfrick 3L., by default; S. C. Peabody '17 defeated P. Townsend '18, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2; G. W. Wightman 3L. defeated N. I. White 1G.S., 6-4, 7-5; J. S. Brown, Jr., '17 defeated H. Cohn '15, 6-1, 6-4; G. W. B. Hartwell '16 defeated B. M. Fullerton '16, 2-6, 6-3, 6-1; H. R. Clapp '16 defeated C. A. Davis 2L., 6-3, 2-6, 6-0; S. P. Spear 1L. defeated M. L. Myers uC., 6-2, 6-2; R. H. Stiles '16 defeated W. H. Bartlett '18, by default; T. W. Whittal '17 defeated G. H. Webber '15, 8-6, 6-4; W. D. D. Morgan '18 defeated J. Tunis 2L., 6-4, 7-5.


The following are the drawings for today's play:

On Jarvis Field at 2 o'clock: W. W. Mansfield vs. J. C. Busby, winner to play J. B. Cummings 2L. at 4 o'clock; W. A. Norris '18 vs. H. A. Scranton '16, winner to play L. E. Bullard '17 at 4 o'clock; L. Alvord '18 vs. B. W. Knowlton '18; F. Clark, Jr., 3L. vs. H. H. Bell '17; E. H. Heminway '15 vs. R. S. Gordon uC., winner to play S. O. Sears '15 at 4 o'clock; B. H. Knowlenberg 1L. vs. R. H. Kettell 1G.S., winner to play W. Lentz 2L. at 4 o'clock; J. S. Love '17 vs. C. A. Herter '15; W. W. Rice '18 vs. E. M. Guild '16; T. A. Smith '18 vs. P. Benton '18; C. W. Simpson '18 vs. G. C. Caner '17, winners of the last two matches to play at 4 o'clock.

On Jarvis Field at 4 o'clock: D. Gregg '18 vs. W. P. Whitehouse, 2nd, '17; G. Aldis '17 vs. L. P. Mansfield '16; J. A. Richards '15 vs. W. S. Burrage '18; E. G. Fischer 2L. vs. H. D. Holmes '16; C. D. McDuffey '16 vs. L. E. Green.

On Soldiers Field at 2 o'clock: M. Noxon '18 vs. O. C. Stanton '17; W. B. Kahn '16 vs. E. W. Brewer, Jr., 1L., winner to play J. Wooldredge '16 at 4 o'clock; E. C. Wilson '16 vs. S. L. Kuhn '16, winner to play C. B. Sloane '16 at 4 o'clock; E. O. Baker '17 vs. D. C. Josephs '15; K. Royall 1L. vs. F. P. Beale 3D.; R. A. Newman 2L vs. S. C. Peabody '17, winners of the last two matches to play at 4 o'clock; G. W. Wightman 3L. vs. J. S. Brown, Jr., '17; J. E. Hoskins '16 vs. W. Hugus 2L.; S. P. Spear 1L. vs. R. H. Stiles '16; T. W. Whitall '17 vs. W. D. D. Morgan '18.

On Soldiers Field at 2.45 o'clock: A. S. Peabody '16 vs. C. A. Smith '15, winner to play E. A. Manning '16 at 4 o'clock; O. C. Nash '18 vs. B. V. Imbrie, winner to play P. C. Lewis '17 at 4 o'clock.

On Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock: M. Suravitz 3L. vs. E. B. Benjamin '17; M. F. H. Foster vs. F. Boyer '16; W. J. Badger, Jr., 2L. vs. D. K. Dunmore '18; L. L. Fitz '17 vs. H. F. Bothfeld '17; C. M. Magoun '16 vs. N. H. Partridge, Jr., '17; F. S. Marden '18 vs. G. L. Johnson '18; A. S. Ellenberger vs. H. L. Clarke; H. S. Morse '16 vs. E. G. Allan '16
