

Practice of Excusing Men at Mid-Years No Longer in Force.

The plan of exempting students who do exceptional work in English A at mid-year has been discontinued. This year every student must continue the course throughout the year. The change was made because a half-year was thought too short a time in which to make a definite impression of both Argumentation and Exposition. Hereafter, it will be impossible for a student to have an extra half-course credited towards graduation by being exempted in English A at mid-year.

The specialized sections have been improved and increased. This year, more systematically than last, sections have been organized so as to carry on the study of English Composition in connection with History, Government, Philosophy, Classics, Science, and English Literature. Men have been enabled to do some of their work in English A in connection with that course which most interests them by enrolling in these special sections. This year there are ten of these specialized sections,--four Government, two English, and one each in Philosophy, History, Science, and Classics.
