It is impressive to read the registration figures for this year and note the increase of numbers in all but two departments of the University. While mere growth in numbers is not always an essential index of increasing strength, it is extremely gratifying to see additions to the enrollment of former years, and feel that these bespeak a growing confidence in Harvard. The Freshman Halls with their provisions for assisting in many ways the life of beginners in College life, together with other factors of efficiency instilled into many of the Graduate departments, are leading not only to a general growth but to a particularly high quality of growth. An important item among the figures is the increase of admissions to the Medical School. The new procedure of admitting, besides holders of degrees in Arts and Sciences, students who have completed two years of College work, one of them devoted to chemistry, physics, and biology, provided also that the student ranks in the upper third of his class, has contributed also to the quality of the incoming class. The Law School, with its high standards of work, has also grown as regards quantity and quality of its members. Registration in other graduate departments, not yet fully determined because registration is slower in these than in the other departments of the University, likewise manifests favorable conditions. With the splendid equipment and facilities for the advancement of learning the University now possesses, together with the growth in its various departments, Harvard this year becomes a greater and more attractive factor in the spreading of sound knowledge. Especially at this time, when the civilization in Europe is nearly at a standstill, is Harvard in a position to accomplish more towards this end than ever before. That she will do so, we are entirely confident.
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