

Weekly Letter From Ann Arbor Diagnoses Coach Yost's Problems.

Ann Arbor, Mich., October 6.--Coach Fost's Michigan team after riding rough shod over De Pauw and Case, is expected to meet with real tests this week when it goes against Mount Union and Manderbilt. The former last year held Michigan to a 14 to 0 score, and thus far this season has proved as strong, playing Washington and Jefferson a 26 to 22 game, and easily disposing of their opponents last Saturday. Coach McGugin, at Wanderbilt, has twelve letter men on hand, and expects to give the Wolverine backfield a worthy test. The Case game was of little good to Michigan, the Wolverines rolling up a 69 to 0 score.

The Michigan line showed up much better than in the De Pauw game, and the Wolverine interference and tackling has improved decidedly. The work of the backs was of the sensational variety, and Yost apparently has three full sets of backs who are reliable. The coaches again used all the Wolverine players who were in condition, looking over all the youngsters under fire. Roehm at right half for Bastian, Dunne at left end or Staatz, and Whalen at right guard or Millard were the three shifts from the De Pauw lineup which faced Case at the start of Saturday's game.

This week there will be still more changes, as the veteran Galt will probably be in shape to take his place at right half, and Watson expects to start at right tackle if his shoulder is strong enough. Cochran will then be shifted back to right guard, and the coaches will have a chance to see how their first choice linemen measure up in a real game.
