

Application Rules for Michigan, Princeton, Brown, and Yale Games.

The office of the Athletic Association will be opened on and after Thursday, October 7, at 9 o'clock in the morning to receive applications for tickets to the last four games on the schedule from members of the University, including Technology students who are candidates for a Harvard degree. Members of the Faculty may apply either in person or by mail on the regular application blank. But all students must apply in person. Tickets assigned on student applications will not be mailed, but must be called for at the office of the Association during the five days preceding the day of each game. Applications close for the Michigan game, Friday, October 16; for the Princeton game, Friday, October 23; for the Brown game, Friday, October 30; for the Yale game, Thursday, November 5; in each case at six o'clock in the afternoon.

Each applicant may apply for four seats for any game, and they need not be for "personal use." An applicant for more than one seat may elect to have one of them for his personal occupancy in the cheering section. But in that case the seats applied for other than the cheering section seat will be assigned in the non-personal group. Applications for the different games must be made on separate blanks. Students wishing to sit together must file their applications together. Such applications will be filled with those of the lowest classification filed in the group. Applications will not be filled together unless filed together.

Every applicant is held responsible for the tickets allotted to him. Any applicant whose tickets are sold or offered for sale at a premium will be blacklisted. Applications will not be accepted from men now on the blacklist.

Yale and Princeton men attending any of the Harvard schools should apply to their own managements for the games with their universities.

Other information as to the classification of applications, etc., may be found on the schedule folder which has been publicly distributed. The location of the undergraduate ticket office this year will be in the regular office of the Athletic Association entering from Harvard street.
