
Several Vacancies on Glee Club.


Editors of the CRIMSON:

The Glee Club trials to be held this evening and tomorrow evening offer an unusual opportunity to all men in the University interested in vocal training, and who wish at the same time to do something for the College.

The Glee Club has not only reached a footing in college life, but gradually as a result of earnest efforts, has established a standard of college singing which is second to none. This is not due alone to the fellows themselves, but in far greater degree to the training which the club has received under the supervision of Dr. Davison.

Furthermore, an excellent schedule of concerts for the year, which is very likely to include a Christmas trip as well as the Intercollegiate Glee Club Meet in New York, will make possible a season full of pleasure and benefit to the members of the club. Graduation leaves a number of openings for new candidates. It is especially necessary this year to call on all "stunt men" who have a song or story which is really funny. Such men should report at the Music Building tomorrow evening.

Since the Glee Club represents the College very prominently, only the best possible personnel will adequately fulfill this requirement. A mediocre club not only reflects on past organizations, but creates an unjust impression with respect to the College itself. Harvard should be represented only by its best, and it is therefore hoped, that every man who has anything to offer will present himself at this time. NORRIS L. TIBBETTS '15, Leader.
