

Three Games Arranged With Yale and Princeton to Decide Title.

Plans have been made for a new arrangement of baseball games next season between Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. The tentative schedule provides for three-game series between all the teams, the championship to be decided on a percentage basis.

If found satisfactory by the athletic authorities of the three universities the league schedule will be: Saturday, May 22, Princeton vs. Harvard at Cambridge; Saturday, May 29, Princeton vs. Yale at New Haven; Saturday, June 5, Princeton vs. Harvard at Princeton; Saturday, June 12, Princeton vs. Yale at Princeton; Tuesday, June 15, Princeton vs. Yale at New York; Friday, June 18, Princeton vs. Harvard at New York. The Harvard-Yale three-game series will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday of the following week as usual.

In previous years the University and Princeton have met in only one game, while the Harvard-Yale series has been for the best two out of three. The new arrangement, therefore, calls for three extra championship contests, and the games in New York are certainties, instead of possibilities. This spring's schedule also precludes any tie-up such as resulted last year, when Princeton lost to Harvard, but defeated Yale, while on the other hand Yale won two out of three games from the University nine.
