


The Musical Clubs will inaugurate their present season with trials for new men during the first part of this week. Those desiring to complete for the Mandolin Club will be heard this evening; for the Banjo Club tomorrow evening; and for the Glee Club tomorrow and Wednesday. All of the trials will be held in the Music Building, and will begin at 7 o'clock. Freshmen and graduates, as well as members of the three upper classes, are eligible for membership. At the Mandolin Club trials tonight, men who play violins, 'cellos, guitars, and flutes may report. The Glee Club especially desires men who have something funny in the way of a "stunt" to offer.

The plans for the club's coming season are fairly well in shape, and represent a somewhat changed policy. There will be fewer concerts than formerly, but those which are given will be important. The principal fall events will be trips to New Haven for the dual concert with Yale, and to Fall River. In the spring, concerts will be given at the New York Harvard Club, and at Providence. Furthermore, another Intercollegiate Meet may be given in New York, and the Glee Club has been honored with an invitation to participate in the Apollo Club's April concert in Boston. Provided the Princeton clubs can obtain leave of absence, a dual performance will be given in Jordan Hall the evening before the football game. Only a few small concerts will be given near Boston.

A western trip including Brook lyh, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo and one or two other cities has been tentatively mapped out for the Christmas vacation, and will be taken provided the Faculty grants the requisite permission. The plans are to take the usual 53 men, and to travel in two special Pullman cars during the journey.

Re-organization of Clubs.

The clubs were last year re-organized with the object of making them more of a factor in undergraduate life, and more unified within themselves. They also became affiliated with the Student Council, and were given representation in that body, being the only musical organization in the University to hold that privilege.
