

Future Opponents All Win by Line Rushing.--Michigan Swamps Case.

Following are the scores made in games Saturday by the University's future opponents:

Wash. & Jeff. 105, Dickinson 0.

Tufts 61, Bates 7.

Penn. State 22, Muhlenberg 0.

Michigan 69, Case, 0.


Princeton 10, Bucknell 0.

Brown 20, R. I. Aggies 0.

Yale 21, Virginia 0.

Michigan's overwhelming of Case by the lop-sided count of 69 to 0 featured the play of the University's future football opponents in the games last Saturday. All of the teams on the Harvard schedule were victorious, but Yale, Princeton, and Brown by no means came up to the brilliant promises of the week before. Washington and Jefferson's and Tufts' easy defeats of Dickinson and Bates, respectively, showed that the next two early season games will be stubborn practice contests for the University eleven.

Michigan relied on open play against Case as against, De pauw but it was a slashing, running attack rather than a variety of forward passes that piled up the one-sided score. Behind an interference which left the field strewn with Case tacklers on each play, Coach Yost's backs went through for long gains repeatedly. On one occasion it required but two plays to take the ball over the goal line, Catlett, a former second string man, beginning his season's work with two long dashes for the second touchdown. Catlett was the pivotal point in these successful forward passes, all of which netted long gains.

The Wolverine backs made the majority of their gains on straight football, using a fake kick formation time after time to start a long skirting dash around the Case ends. The defense at the opening of the game was effective in rolling back the Case attack, but when the substitutes entered the Michigan line-up, Case made two brief, vain spurts with the aid of short forward passes.

Princeton barely nosed out a 10 to 0 victory over Bucknell on Saturday, failing to display any brilliant open offensive work or consistent defensive play. Princeton attempted the forward pass twelve times before succeeding once. Law punted steadily for great distances, once making 70 yards on a kick. Bucknell sprung a surprise by playing a savage line attack instead of the radical open game which had been anticipated. Glick was the mainstay of Princeton's attack. He several times slipped through the line outside of tackle for good gains.

Yale's well-rounded defense made possible a victory over Virginia. Six times the southerners marched down the field to within scoring distance, but the Yale line was always able to tighten up and hold the opponents from passing the goal-posts. Virginia's strength lay in swinging runs which balked the Yale ends. The play was nearly even during the second and fourth periods, but during the first and third periods Yale scored three touchdowns, one on a forward pass.

Brown played a brilliant game against Rhode Island Agricultural College, but mistakes, particularly fumbles, slowed up their attack. Twice Brown was held for downs within ten yards of their opponent's goal.
