
Bechtel Leads Consolation Run

The consolation run for those men of the University cross-country squad who did not go to Cornell was held yesterday afternoon over the University course at Belmont. H. R. Bechtel '17 crossed the finish line first, his time for the distance being 40 minutes. The runners in the order in which they finished follow: (1) H. R. Bechtel '17; (2) N. L. Torrey '15; (3) R. T. Twitchell '16; (4) H. J. Babcock '16; (5) H. L. M. Cole '16; (6) E. McC. Peters '16; (7) C. E. Meade '15; (8) C. J. North '17; (9) W. W. Kenney '17.
