Instruction in public speaking will be given at the Law School this year under Professor I. L. Winter and Mr. Chenoweth. There are two courses in this department, one hour a week each from now until the spring recess. The plan is to have several sections in each course, with from six to twelve men in each division. A student may enter either or both of these courses.
Course 1 will consist of voice training and drill in delivery. This section will be carried on under Mr. Chenoweth. Course 2, of which Professor Winter has charge, will be on extemporaneous speaking. Topics of current interest will be taken up for the purpose of impromptu discussions. This will be mainly for second and third year men, and the hours will begin October 6.
Professor Winter or Mr. Chenoweth will be in Langdell North this morning from 9.30 to 12.30 o'clock to meet any students who wish to enter these courses or to get advice concerning public speaking.
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